underwater photos whale song geology science photo contest mars landing this week (18 Feb ’21) ancient sparkplug?
most numerous vertibrate minnesota birds surfing duck random travel homopolar motors barlow’s wheel megistotherium (and friends) powers of ten tiny…
dot circle illusion bat flight hoop jumping japanese joinery staircase illusion making recorders (plastic) making recorders (professional) making recorders (at…
stromatolites maneuverable fur bode’s law benford’s law ancient steam tech hero’s fountain collapsing a pop can magdeburg hemispheres
demos using rhino monster voices neon lidar assembling a beat miniature crochet mustard museum plant sounds hydraulic jump red sky…
ice instruments more cut leaves walking on snow decorating an intersection
drone swarm plant sculptures drawing on sand drawing with sand artist with flowers house from a kit
impossible gears impossible triangle dover’s chalk cliffs kintsugi pottery mending wabi-sabi hygge coziness spicy drinking chocolate
kenya and manatee webcams stream-vs-groundwater klein bottle (with money-saving hint) the impossible bottle voynich mystery rosetta solution phaistos mystery
massed noisemakers gravity wave observatory folds flat two ways speakeasy horse history caterpillar hats sidewalk frying puzzle inventor